
Getting Over It
Getting Over It
with Bennett Foddy
4.5 Review



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248.3 MB

Jul 26, 2021



248.3 MB

Oct 6, 2020


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Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a popular video game that was first released in 2017. The game was developed by Bennett Foddy and published by Humble Bundle. The game is known for its unique and challenging gameplay, as players control a man named Diogenes who is stuck in a cauldron and must use a large hammer to climb a mountain filled with various obstacles. The game has gained a significant following due to its difficulty and the frustration it can cause, as players must be extremely precise and patient to progress through the game. Getting Over It has been praised for its design and gameplay, and has become a popular game for streamers and content creators on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube.

How to play

Getting Over It is a challenging video game where players control a character named "Diogenes," who is stuck in a large cauldron and must climb a series of obstacles using only a sledgehammer.


The gameplay is all about precise movements and strategic planning as players navigate through a surreal landscape filled with a variety of obstacles, including rocks, trees, and other debris. Each movement requires careful consideration as players must use the sledgehammer to push and pull Diogenes' body in different directions to gain momentum and climb higher.


The controls are deliberately difficult, with the player using only the mouse to swing the hammer and propel the character forward. The challenge comes from the physics-based mechanics, which make it easy to lose progress with even the slightest mistake.


As the player progresses through the game, the obstacles become more difficult, requiring more skill and strategy to overcome. The game is designed to be incredibly challenging, with even the most experienced players struggling to complete the game in a reasonable amount of time.


The objective of the game is simply to reach the top of the mountain, which is a towering structure that looms over the landscape. However, the journey to the top is filled with frustration, setbacks, and moments of triumph as players slowly master the game's mechanics and overcome the challenges in their path.

Editors' Review

Getting Over It © Copyright by Gamdise Do not Reproduce.

Oh, now let’s talk about one of my favorite games, getting over it. This game is ultimately fun but quite challenging and it’s okay for you to give up, but certainly not recommended. The game asks you to play as a man whose legs are actually a giant black ball object. The man has a big hammer-like tool in his hand and is trying to get to the final destination. Your job is to tap your phone at the right moment and make sure it’s time for him to swing the hammer to move forward sometimes there are mountains that he needs to get to the top of to cross to the final destination. It’s not fun for him and that’s for sure but it’s quite fun for us, as players.


The rocks and branches that are in the way can be quite annoying because it’s stopping you from getting a relatively easy life of getting across. I love the game design and the overall animation and background music are pretty chill and function as expected. The in-game content pictures that are posted by the developers potentially attracted players to see on google play look like the PC version of the game. But it does have phrases and sentences that are on the top which I think it’s fun and interesting to read about. The background in the mobile version of the game is sort of blackish so I still prefer the clear sky and white clouds because that’s definitely more inspiring and more fun to take a look at and I think I will have better faith in making it to the end.


The game, as you can probably tell by its name, it’s challenging you to get over the obstacles that are in the game. It’s also implying the fact that you need to get over things in your own life in real life, based on my plain interpretation. There isn’t any save progress button in the game so you will have to get over it and start over and over again if you fail to get to the other side. It could be time-consuming and stressful for a lot of people like myself. But I enjoy the slow but challenging feeling the game gives me because it’s unique and mysterious in a sense. The controls on a mobile device can be certainly tricky sometimes, but if you are already playing such a hard and challenging game, I have faith in you of figuring something out for yourself. You will have to learn about not getting angry after failing and the attitude and how exactly you respond is what the developers are getting you to do and think about.


So, like a lot of other people, who are fans of the game, I will recommend those who haven’t played this game to try it out whether you are an RPG or Survival, etc player. This game is for every gamer no matter what exactly you are interested in. The ultimate goal of gaming to clearly conveyed in this game because games were hard and challenging at the beginning when it was invented for the first time.


The game could handle a little slow on different devices but besides that, I can’t think of anything else that I want to complain about this wonderful game. So make sure you slow down your temper and give yourself an hour's break and emerge yourself adventuring in this fun game with everything you will ever need to discover. I would highly recommend everyone to try it out if you haven’t done so!


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